Wahoo! You're coming to Test Prep Palooza!
Regular Price $27 >> On Sale Right Now Just $17
Fast-Action Sale $17 Now >> $27 When Time's Up
New Topics Added: 3 - 4 more sessions coming Feb. 2025
Sessions: 12+ Test Sessions Total (6+ Reading, 6+ Writing)
✅ Test Prep Practice Pack Organized by Skill / Topic.
✅ 5 Sets of Ready-Made Review Games
✅ 18+Test Prep Lessons.
🏆 8+ Hours PD Certificates
👉 Add them to your continuing education records
📝 Guided Notes Specific to Each Session
👉 Stay organized and follow along--> Digital & Printable
On Sale Today for $17
Price increases to $27 when time's up.
Feedback from Our First Round:
This year's event contains all the most-requested test prep sessions we've created throughout the year because our round 1 attendees asked us to please not remove them! They're THAT valuable and THAT timely and universal for reading / writing test prep. Based on that feedback, we upgraded our tech (more terabytes & bandwidth) in order to keep all those gold sessions in place for you while ALSO adding a few new ones, too, coming February 2025.
And let me tell ya. . . You're in the right place!
⭐️BONUS #1⭐️
⭐️BONUS #2⭐️
⭐️BONUS #3⭐️
$37 Value Yours w/ the GOLDEN TICKET
- Argument & Persuasion
- Academic Language Task Cards
- Tents for Talking & Writing
- Question Stem Genre Task Cards
- Paraphrasing the Question
⭐️BONUS #4⭐️
- With your free ticket to Test Prep Palooza, you will only be able to participate March 1-2. Once it's over, it's over.
- With the GOLDEN TICKET, you can get started anytime starting now, join us live if you wish on March 1-2, and still get unlimited viewing to watch the sessions at your convenience, as many times as you wish + all the bonus lessons, activities, & games.
⭐️BONUS #1⭐️
⭐️BONUS #2⭐️
⭐️BONUS #3⭐️
$97 Value Yours w/ the GOLDEN TICKET
⭐️BONUS #4⭐️
$97 Value Yours w/ the GOLDEN TICKET
- With your free ticket to Test Prep Palooza, you will only be able to participate March 1 - 2. Once it's over, it's over.
- With the GOLDEN TICKET, you can get started early, join us live if you wish, and still get unlimited viewing to watch the sessions at your convenience, as many times as you want.
...and lock in ALL the bonuses!
Regular Price $27 >> On Sale Right Now Just $17
New Topics Added: 3 - 4 more sessions coming Feb. 2025
Sessions: 12+ Sessions Total (6+ Reading, 6+ Writing)
✅ Test Prep Practice Pack Organized by Skill / Topic.
✅ 5 Sets of Ready-Made Review Games
✅ 18+Test Prep Lessons.
🏆 8+ Hours PD Certificates
👉 Add them to your continuing education records
📝 Guided Notes Specific to Each Session
👉 Stay organized and follow along--> Digital & Printable
On Sale Today for $17
Price increases to $27 when time's up.
Feedback from Our First Round:
How much does the GOLDEN TICKET cost?
The GOLDEN TICKET is on sale NOW until time is up. The regular price is $27, so today's sale is the best sale price you'll see so by all means, get in on it now. I am 100% confident that you will love what you're getting. Even if you end up changing grade levels or subjects, after this year, the value you get will blow you out of the water and you'll still get so much from the event that you can put to use.
What does having the GOLDEN TICKET allow me to do or to get?
I'm waaaaay overdelivering on this event! Besides the professional development sessions themselves, IMMEDIATELY upon purchasing the GOLDEN TICKET, you get access to my "Test Prep Practice Pack" (10 practice resources for the most commonly-tested and most-needed skills reviews for Middle School ELA Teachers) right away. On top of all that, you get the extra bonuses and lessons the guest expert speakers have so generously shared that go along with their specific sessions. And by the way, there's NO expiration on your access to these sessions and bonus lesson resources! Plus, your Golden Ticket purchase allows you to access the event again next year without having to purchase again, so you'll have everything that's in there NOW along with all the new sessions, topics, and resources I'm adding next time, too!
Does Test Prep Palooza include a PD (professional development) Certificate?
Yes! GOLDEN TICKET holders will receive a PD Certificate unique to both days the of Test Prep Palooza for a total of 8+ hours of time. These certificates will be available by March 1, inside the private site online so attendees can access them anytime throughout the year as needed. Each school and district is different, so whether yours accepts the certificate or not is dependent on those unique factors. That's why the PD certificates are simply a bonus---a nice extra document you can add to your own personal files at the very least.
What is the refund policy?
We are confident you will love the value of information provided throughout Test Prep Palooza as well as all the extra materials and resources you get right away upon purchasing the GOLDEN TICKET. Therefore, no refunds will be issued (unless you have a tech issue and accidentally pay twice). If you have questions about the on-demand event that you're not sure about, email me (Hi, I'm Laura) to share your questions so you don't end up purchasing something you're not sure about. We keep the price of the Golden Ticket very teacher-friendly and overdeliver upon that value with the bonus lessons and test prep materials.
I bought the Golden Ticket last year, is this year's event all new stuff and totally different?
This year's event contains all the most-requested test prep sessions we've created throughout the year because our round 1 attendees asked us to please not remove them! They're THAT valuable and THAT timely and universal for reading / writing test prep. Based on that feedback, we upgraded our tech (more terabytes & bandwidth) in order to keep all those gold sessions in place for you while ALSO adding a few new ones, too, coming throughout February 2025. If you bought the ticket last year and aren't sure, please email me (Hi! Laura here!) so I can help >> contact@languageartsteachers.com
Regular Price $27 >> On Sale Right Now Just $17
Regular Price $27 >> On Sale Right Now Just $17
I serve super-busy Middle School ELA Teachers who crave realistic, actionable, ready-made HELP so they can teach with confidence while living an actual life outside the classroom.
Being a Middle School ELA teacher has its own special needs that other content areas just don't deal with. No one person has all the answers, but pulling together an incredible team of teachers from all over the country with diverse experiences, knowledge, and backgrounds will provide the BEST professional opportunity to learn, ask questions, and implement new strategies that grow your students while helping you teach and live with joy this year.
Extra questions on your mind? Or just want to say hi? Send me an email at contact@languageartsteachers.com
And let me tell ya. . . You're in the right place!
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