Your Centers & Stations Planning + Resource Page

Replays, materials, forms, slides, & PD certificate

Click Here to Bring Laura Kebart to Your Campus for Your Next PD Workshop >>

Workshop Part 1

Workshop Part 2

Workshop Part 3

Workshop Part 4

~ Station Resources ~

For Sessions 1 + 2


~ for The Teacher ~

For Sessions 3 + 4

Laura Kebart, here👋

Need hands-on real-life support in the form of a live done-with-you workshop at your campus?

I've got you covered.

I host in-person trainings for departments, campuses, and districts around the US. Whether it's a half-day or full day workshop experience you prefer, I'll tailor my stations PD services to your unique goals as teachers.

CLICK HERE to learn more about the in-person professional development workshops I offer.

Finally! You can run stations in your Middle School ELA Class with confidence + organization.

Middle School Reading & Writing Teachers, This Is For You!


Your secret weapon for turning the middle school reading and writing battlefield into a smooth-running haven of engaged learning.

Each Month's Station Set Includes⤵

Printable PDF's + Google Slides Versions for Maximum Flexibility🙌

Get Ready, Set, Stations™ Right Here >>

Navigating the online rabbit hole of random lessons for stations is a never. ending. chore.

We've all been there → Scrambling for lessons again while trying to choose between a quick bathroom break OR a last-minute run to the copy machine ('cuz there's no time for both).

  • You've got lesson plans to gather
  • Beaucoup papers to grade
  • A never-ending to-do list staring back at you

It's like juggling chainsaws while feeding feral kittens.

. . . And oh, btw. . .

You've been told to "teach using stations" or "small group intervention" and you're SO OVER the whole thing.

Because to actually DO stations in your classroom would mean⤵

  • Needing organized, student-friendly lessons they can do w/o you
  • Creating "themed" stations so they're not random activities that don't fit together
  • Somehow knowing the magic unicorn strategy to hold students accountable
  • Having a way to avoid grading a TON of station work (not happening!)

...Not to mention you need to include reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary in your stations since this is OBVIOUSLY middle school ELA😆

Printable PDF's + Google Slides Versions for Maximum Flexibility🙌

What if there was a better way?

Imagine having a ready-made set of organized, standards-aligned station-specific lessons magically delivered by a small but mighty team of internet fairies to your inbox every month!

Let me overthink your stations so you can go home earlier each day.

Here's what just ONE MONTH of stations looks like for you⤵

Printable PDF's + Google Slides Versions for Maximum Flexibility🙌

Here's what you get:

Every month, you get a 3-set collection of themed stations for a total of 12 different stations

  • 1️⃣ fiction passage + grammar, reading task cards, writing component, vocabulary
  • 1️⃣ nonfiction passage + grammar, reading task cards, writing component, vocabulary
  • 1️⃣ one poetry passage + grammar, reading, writing component, and vocabulary
  • Google slides AND printable PDF's of all activities for maximum flexibility                 
  • Everything you need as a teacher is also included, ready to go: 
  • Simple, teacher-friendly station lesson plan with TEKS and CCSS for 6th/7th/8th grades
  • Stations in both printable PDF format ~AND~ Google slides format  
  • My on-demand teacher video tips for setting up + running stations with student accountability

Ready, Set, Stations is your answer to eliminating the chaos, exhaustion, and overwhelm of teaching

Let's take a closer look at what's included

EACH MONTH in Ready, Set, Stations™.

The following are from December's Station Set:


  • Thematically linked to the nonfiction & poetry texts
  • 1- 2 pages or less for easy readability
  • 4 station lessons: reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary with answer keys
  • Google slides version included


  • Thematically linked to the fiction & poetry texts
  • 1 - 2 pages or less for easy readability
  • 4 station lessons: reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary with answer keys
  • Google slides version included


Designed for 6th - 8th grades:

  • Thematically linked to the fiction & nonfiction texts
  • Student-friendly for easy readability
  • 4 station lessons: reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary with answer keys
  • Google slides version included

Get Ready, Set, Stations™ now so you can confidently run organized stations each month while also going home earlier each day!

Answer Keys + Google Slides Version Included!

Get Ready, Set, Stations™ Right Here >>

Yes, you also get the station resources in Google Slides!

  • Finally stop stressing out about everything you feel like you're not doing, and instead, learn that you can develop a stations routine that works for you and YOUR classroom.
  • Get EXCITED about your Middle School ELA Station adventures rather than dread them. Ready, Set, Stations GIVES YOU ready-made, thematically-linked stations each month for spiraled practice of the most common ELA skills needed (reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary.
  • Regain your CONFIDENCE in teaching! With Ready, Set, Stations, you also have the on-demand HOW behind HOW to run stations without grading everything and without worrying about students working or not or copying from each other. (And all the teachers said AMEN!)

What are you waiting for? We already have 75+ Middle School ELA Teachers be-boppin' around inside Ready, Set, Stations™... And we're waiting for you to join us, too!

Plus, your students are excited to be getting a fun, not-stressed-out teacher who can't wait to learn alongside them. :-)

Full Year (10 Months) of Stations $247 or $39/mo.

Here's the juicy stuff:

  • Zero prep: Say goodbye to late nights and go home earlier each day!
  • Engaged students: Tired of cricket zombies? These stations are student-friendly!
  • Stress-free teaching: Stations “best practices” are already embedded into the materials.
  • Spiraled skills: Consistent practice in skills for reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary
  • Perfect for 6th, 7th, & 8th grade: But some of our high school teacher friends will benefit, too!
  • *Note: Advanced 5th grade will benefit, but I wouldn't recommend lower grades *Note: 9th grade will benefit, or high school intervention or remediation for upper grades

Click the button, join Ready, Set, Stations, and hit the autopilot button on stations!

When you join READY, SET, STATIONS™ and login, here's what you get each month⤵️

You get 12 fresh, themed station activities loaded up ready-made style each month: 

One fiction passage + one nonfiction passage + one poem

➡️ One reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary station for EACH passage

🙋🏻‍♀️ That's 3 thematically-linked passages with 4 stations per passage = 12 stations each month!